For the third year running we are pleased to be supporting High Weald Swifts as we celebrate Swift Awareness week here in Tonbridge.
Join us once more for a short guided walk around South Tonbridge, led by local ornithologist Martin Garwood.
During this short walk we will be looking for the few pairs of Swifts and House Martins that still nest in the south of the town.
Both House Martins and Common Swifts are summer visitors to the UK; once common they are now both “red-listed” as their numbers have fallen dramatically over the last 40 years.
A few pairs still find places to nest in our town and liven up our skies on warm evenings. Nothing in nature is guaranteed but on this walk we will focus on seeing these charismatic birds and who knows what else we might see on the way.
It will also be an opportunity to look at some of the conservation work being undertaken to keep Swifts in our skies.
This accessible, circular walk will be on pavements along the residential streets near St Stephen's Church.
Binoculars are helpful but not really necessary. The walk will last approximately 2 hours.
Max group size: 12
Cost: Donations will be collected for a swift conservation charity.
***If the weather is very wet or windy on the day of the walk, this event will not go ahead and we will try and reschedule this***